MONEY EXPO, Thailand’s largest financial and investment exhibition, is announcing its 2022 theme “Wealth to Wellness.”
Money Expo 2022 provides financial opportunities, knowledge and solutions for everyone, from students, employees, startups,
entrepreneurs to retirees, encouraging personal wealth which is the root of good health and wellness in life.
Money Expo 2022 presents 2 new areas reflecting global megatrends, the first is “Health & Wellness”, providing various products
and services that enhance and restore health and mental wellness, and the other is “Digital Assets”, offering latest knowledge
and ideas for investments in digital assets, such as crypto currency and NFT.
Visitors can explore all kinds of financial and investment opportunities, products and services, in Thailand and overseas,
including options for special promotions in Loans and Deposits, Securities and Funds, Life Insurances, Health Insurances,
Investment Counseling and Financial Planning, and many more.
Contact Event Organizer
Media Associated Co., Ltd.
Tel. 02 691 4126
Mobile. 094 962 4664
Website: www.moneyexpoonline.com
Email: munlika@gmail.com