


1. Rational Criterion

IMPACT EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT Co., Ltd (“IMPACT”) recognizes the importance on the protection of personal data and obligations to perform its duties as prescribed under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (the “Personal Data Protection Act”). The Personal Data Protection Act lays down the rights and obligations of REIT in collecting, using and disclosing the personal data of persons related to our business operations. This Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) has been established to illustrate how we, as the data controller, will manage the personal data of customers, business partners, employees and other third parties.

2. Definition

“Data Subject” means any individual person who is the owner of the personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).
“Personal Data” means any information which enables the identification of such person, whether directly or indirectly, but not including the information of the deceased person in particular.
“Data Processing” means the collecting, using, and disclosing of Personal Data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).

3. Collection of Personal Data

3.1 Personal Data to be collected by IMPACT
We collect various Personal Data by taking into consideration the purpose of using such data according to our normal business operations, which may include:

  • General data e.g., name and surname, telephone number, email address, residential address, identification number of individual person (e.g., ID card, passport, driver’s license and tax identification number), date of birth, nationality, citizenship, weight, height, and photo;
  • Data on career, education, employment history, employment performance evaluation, criminal record, medical history, and family history;
  • Historical data on any transaction(s) or contract(s) entered into with us;
  • Bank account number, salary, financial status, tax payment history, credit card number, and vehicle license plate number;
  • Data on the Data Subject’s use of computer and program, including IP address, type of browser, language, operating systems, applications, website usage history, and cookies; and
  • Recorded CCTV footage.

3.2 Personal Data Collection Channel
We may collect the Data Subject’s Personal Data, whether directly or indirectly, through the following channels:

  • Data that has been directly provided to us or our representative by the Data Subject or their representative;
  • Data that has been lawful obtained from IMPACT including such companies subsidiaries, affiliates or business partners.
  • Data obtained from any other reliable sources, such as government agencies and banks; and
  • Data obtained from general public in a lawful manner.

4. Personal Data Retention Period

We will collect and retain the Personal Data only for a period necessary for processing such Personal Data within the scopes and purposes related to our business operations. After such period has ended, we will destroy such Personal data pursuant to the standard methods, unless we have legal obligation to continuously retain such data or to protect our rights as specified by the law.

5. Purpose of Processing and Disclosure of the Personal Data

5.1 Purpose of Processing and Disclosure of the Personal Data
We will use and disclose the Personal Data for the purpose of carrying out the normal course of our business operations, which includes:

  • For entering into a contract or performing duties under a contract between us and the Data Subject;
  • For business operation necessary for our legitimate interest (Legitimate Interest) by taking into account the basic rights of the Data Subject;
  • To offer information about products and services as well as to improve, develop and to maintain the quality of products and services that the Data Subject is partnering with us;
  • For communications such as notification services and receiving a response when the data subject has contacted;
  • To offer new products and services. In the event that the Data Subject does not wish to be notified of the marketing or sales activities, the Data Subject can notify his/her intention to us through the channels specified by us;
  • For the purpose of recruitment and selection of human resources;
  • To identify persons who come into contact with us and for security purposes; and
  • To perform our various duties under relevant laws.

5.2 Disclosure of Personal Data
We may disclose Personal Data of the Data Subject under lawful basis. Such data of the Data Subject may be disclosed or transferred to government agencies or third party, which includes:

  • Companies subsidiaries and affiliates;
  • Third-party service provider, such as service providers who collect and analyze data or human resources service provider;
  • Government agencies relevant to our business operations;
  • Advisors, such as financial advisor or legal advisor; and
  • Other data controller that the Data Subject requests us to send or transfer Personal Data to.

We will carry out necessary procedure to ensure the protection and prevention of the Personal Data from any loss of data, the unauthorized access to, unlawful use, modification, or disclosure of information by the person mentioned above.

If we must disclose the Personal Data to the receiver in a foreign country, we will disclose the Personal Data only to the extent permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act and other related laws.

6. Data Protection

We have a standardized data security system that categorizes and determines the level of data secrecy, by determining how to manage data, the right to access data, maintaining physical and environmental security within the organization, and establishing operational procedures related to the processing of information and communication devices in order to ensure that the information processed by it are secured and protected from any breaches of Person Data.

7. Rights of Data Subject

The rights of the Data Subject are as follows:
(1) Rights to receive notification when we collect their Personal Data;
(2) Rights to access their own Personal Data, request for copies of their Personal Data, request us to disclose the source in which the Personal Data was obtained from;
(3) Rights to receive or request us to send or transfer Personal Data to another data controller if it can be done by automatic means;
(4) Rights to object the collection, use, or disclosure of their Personal Data;
(5) Rights to request us to erase or destroy or anonymize the Personal Data;
(6) Rights to request us to cease the use of their Personal Data; and
(7) Rights to request us to ensure that their Personal Data are accurate, up-to-date, complete, and not misleading.

8. Communication

We have appointed the Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for providing advice and coordinating with the Data Subject in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. Contacting details are, as follows:

  • Data Protection Officer: PDPA Committee
  • Contact: IMPACTPDPA@IMPACT.CO.TH Telephone No. 02-833-5296

9. Policy Review and Update

We will regularly review and update this policy at least once a year or whenever any significant changes regarding legal issues, related personnel, and our business operations, in order for the policy to be in compliance with the laws and practices of the regulatory agencies.

This Policy is effective as from [15 May 2022]

Privacy Notice

  • Privacy Notice For Visitors of Exhibition and Convention Center [Click]
  • Privacy Notice For Business Partners [Click]
  • Privacy Notice For Security Purposes [Click]





What are cookies?

Cookies are text files stored on a computer or mobile device that are used to store detailed log information about your internet usage or your browsing behavior. Many internet sites and servers use cookies. Cookie ID allows visited internet sites and servers to differentiate the individual browser of the data subject from other internet browsers that contain other cookies.

How do we use cookies and the purpose of the use of cookies?

We collect information about every visitor to our website through cookies or similar technologies, and we use cookies to improve the efficiency of access to our services via the internet including improving the efficiency of using our platform. It will be used to:
1. make our website operational;
2. allow you to continuously and securely log in to your account on our platform;
3. save your preferences (such as preferred language and font size, etc.) on the platform and organize information content including your settings;
4. study your usage behavior as to provide a more efficient platform based on your interests;
5. study and gather analytic/statistic data in relation to overall platform visitors’ behaviors in using our website (such as session duration, pages per session, bounce rate, etc.) as to develop an easier, faster and more efficient platform;
6. maintain the security of our website and help determine ways to improve the system; and
7. tailor the website to your interests and ensure that the website content is presented in the most effective manner for you.

Types of cookies used

Our website contains the following cookies:
1. Functionality Cookies: Functional cookies are used to remember your selections or settings on our website and enable our website to present personalized information for your needs more efficiently, such as account names/usernames, preferred languages, fonts, and platform styles.
2. Advertising Cookies: Cookies for advertising are used to remember what you have visited and how you use the platform as to offer products, services or advertising materials that are relevant to your interests and to assess the effectiveness of various advertising campaigns.
3. Strictly Necessary Cookies: These technical cookies are essential to proper function of the platform and allow you to access information thoroughly and securely.
4. Performance/Analytics Cookies: Cookies to measure the performance of the platform. This type of cookie collects anonymous information about the visitors of the platform and analyze the number and behavior of visitors in order to improve the platform to be more efficient and meet the needs of users.
5. Third-party Cookies: This type of cookie is set by third-party service providers such as Google Analytics which use Analytics Cookies.

Types of personal data that we store by using cookies

We use cookies to store the following information of visitors to our website:
1. Information about you and your visit to our website: We collect information and details about website visitors and their behavior patterns including the languages the website visitors use, the website visitors’ activities on the site, continents, countries, cities, genders, ages and preferences. We also record the number of our website visitors.
2. Information about your computer: This includes your computer's IP address, operating system, and browser type.


Certain types of cookies are session cookies which are temporary and will be deleted after the visitor closes the browser.
Certain types of cookies are persistent cookies which encompasses all cookies that remain on the visitor’s hard drive until they are erased by the visitor or the visitor’s browser, depending on the expiration date of each cookie. All persistent cookies have an expiration date written into their code, but the duration may vary. The persistent cookies that our website uses will last up to 1 year unless the visitor erases them prior to the expiration date.
We will also store information about your visit to our website for as long as is necessary for the purposes stated above. We generally delete user browsing data every 1 year.

Persons to which your personal data may be shared

We use information about our website visitors with service providers who help us administer and manage the website. We also use information about your visits to the website with advertising companies which information cannot identify you personally.


Our website visitors will be requested to provide their consent for Functionality Cookies, Advertising Cookies and Performance/Analytics Cookies. You may have seen a pop-up to this effect on your first visit to the Company’s website. Although the said pop up will not usually appear on subsequent visits, you may withdraw their consent at any time – please see below on how to prevent cookies.

How to manage and prevent cookies?

The data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by means of a corresponding setting of the internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Furthermore, already set cookies may be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs. Please be aware that if the data subject deactivates the setting of all cookies in the internet browser used (including necessary cookies), functions of our website may not be entirely usable.

Information of website users

Our website visitors are not required to provide any personal data directly to us when visiting our website. But if you choose to contact us directly, we will use the information that you submit to respond to your inquiries. When we use your personal data for this purpose, we use it for the legitimate purpose of communicating with you based on your wishes and expectations. We also use this information for the legitimate purpose of seeking appropriate professional advice and to ensure that we comply with the legal obligations applicable to our affairs. Once your inquiries have been addressed by us, your personal data provided to us on the website will be deleted.