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Time: 10:00-18:00 hrs.
Venue: Hall 5-6
Contact Event Organizer
N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd.
Tel. 02-203-4241-4
Time: 20:00 hrs.
Venue: Thunder Dome
Ticket is 1,500 THB
Contact Event Organizer
Muzik Move Co.,Ltd.
Ticket available at Thaiticketmajor
Tel. 02-262-3456
Time: 10:30-21:00 hrs.
Venue: Challenger 3
Contact Event Organizer
Small & Medium Industrial Institute, The Federation of Thai Industries
Show Manager: Cournot & Nash Co., Ltd
Tel. 02-345-1059
Time: 10:30-21:00 hrs.
Venue: Hall 9-10
1. Furniture Sale of the year
2. Home Electric Sale of the year
3. Fashion Jewelry & Beauty Sale of the Year
4. Wedding Fair of the year
5. Food
Contact Event Organizer
Union Pan Exhibitions Co., Ltd
Tel. 02-719-0408, 02-314-0855
Time: 08:00-17:30 hrs.
Venue: IMPACT Forum
EDUCA is the biggest teacher professional development conference in Thailand.
After 12 years of emphasizing the importance of Thai teacher professional development, EDUCA 2019 views ‘teacher’ as a giver, a leader, and a change agent of the nation.
The theme of “The Power of Learning Community” aims to shape an understanding that the power of learning community which can enhance the quality education is not a responsibility of a certain party, but it is a duty of every single person in our society. We must play our role in improving Thailand’s education!
EDUCA encourages every party to develop and improve Thai education together through teacher professional development to create quality teachers for students in every classroom and every school throughout Thailand. In order to promote self-development for teachers across the nation, EDUCA brings in international experts and skillful teachers to share their knowledge and experience with their Thai colleagues.
The event features
1) International Conference
2) Special Seminars
3) Principal Forum
4) Workshops and Seminars
5) Book Project – a life-long learning model and
6) Educational media, technology and service showcase and exhibition
Contact Event Organizer
Office of Basic Education Commission
Show Manager: IMPACT Exhibition Management Co.,Ltd. / PICO (Thailand) PCL.
Tel. 02-748-7007 Ext. 140
Time: 10:00-21:00 hrs.
Venue: Challenger 1-3
Furniture, House and Living, Garden, Outdoor Life Style, Food
Contact Event Organizer
Amarin Printing and Publishing PLC.
Tel. 02-422-9999 Ext 4133, 4175